Thursday, January 30, 2020
Rise of Two Operas Essay Example for Free
Rise of Two Operas Essay The Italians and the French have been two prominent figures in the world of opera music. Their music in the field of tragedy has been flourished by history and emerged from different social context and background. Opera traced its roots from Italy. Opera, in its earliest form can be traced from various types of Italian literature. The themes, moods, and subjects of opera can be associated with Italian poetry, drama, and allegory (Kimbell, 1991. p. 19-21). More importantly, opera particularly the opera seria, has originated at the height of the Renaissance period. The Renaissance art were centered on man. It revolved around man’s greatness, man as passionate, and as virtuous. The themes of opera described the life of the Italians as a whole, which is according to Luigi Barzini: The pleasure of Italy comes from living in a world made by man, for man and on man’s measurement (cited in p. 3). A theme deeply embedded in reality. Revolving around this theme, opera became for the sole purpose of entertainment. However as Renaissance became a period for the flow of rising ideologies, the face of opera changed into a moving art combined with philosophy and moral teaching. This aim served the purpose of educating its audience and not just by mere entertainment (Kimbell, 1991. p. 182). It was Apostolo Zeno and Silvio Stampiglia who created operas that were historical in nature. Stampiglia wrote a series of operas relating early Italian history and Zeno’s works have long been distinguished as a combination of moral and scholarship significance (p. 183). The Italian opera seria had not been completely tragic but became more serious. Metastasio offered ‘suspense’ or in Italian ‘sospensione’ in place of tragedy, in which the audience were presented the internal conflicts of the protagonist. Seeing this kind of progression, the French opera scene has its trend going on as well. However, as mentioned from the beginning, opera had its roots originating from Italy. There were no French composers at that time. It was an Italian national who moved to France, named Jean-Baptiste Lully who was said to have popularized opera to the French people (Edwards, 1862. . 14). Origins of French opera may have come from other form of arts such as ballet. Ballet has incorporated music with dramatic dance routines thus making as a basis into recreating a dance that has dramatic dialogues in the form of music (Grouts Williams, 2003. p. 22). Lully gained full monopoly when spreading his music due to his friendship with King Louis XIV. He collaborated with the likes of Quinault to create operas which they called tragedie en musique (Anderson, 2003. p. 3). It is important to note that though it was the time of Rennaisance in Italy, it had been a slow progress for France to grasp the music from other countries. Since Lully gained monopoly for production of operas, the monarchy controlled the flow of music from outside in accordance to Lully’s advice (p. 1). Basing it from here, the themes of the operas that were being played within King Louis XIV’s court still centered on mythical themes rather than on humanism. The plot of tragedy focused on mythical characters and fictional conflicts (Easterling, 1997. p. 136).
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Diabetes Mellitus Essay -- Health Diseases Diabetes Essays medical
Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed in the United States. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness. â€Å"In 1996 diabetes contributed to more than 162,000 deaths†(Lewis 1367).      â€Å"Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose intolerance in common†(McCance 674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and results from defective insulin production, secretion, and utilization. There are many forms of diabetes. â€Å"Diabetes increases the risk of heart and blood vessel disease, amputation, infections, kidney damage, eye problems (including blindness), and nerve malfunction†(Husain). I will briefly define the different forms of diabetes and then I will discuss diabetes mellitus in general. 1.     Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or type 1 is when the pancreas will produce little or no insulin, therefore requiring injections of insulin to control diabetes and prevent ketoacidosis. All patients with this type of diabetes need insulin to survive (Deakins 34). Five to ten percent of all diabetic patients have IDDM. Usual presentation is rapid with classical symptoms of polydipsia (increased thirst), polyphagia (increased hunger), polyuria (increased urination), and weight loss. IDDM is most commonly seen in patients under thirty, but can be seen in older adults. 2.     Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or type 2 is caused by a defect in insulin manufacture and release from the beta cell or insulin resistance in the peripheral tissues. Approximately ninety percent of diabetic patients have NIDDM. Genetics play a big role in the etiology of NIDDM and is often associated with obesity. Usually presentation is slow and often insidious with symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, poor wound healing, and recurrent infection. Primarily occurs in adults over thirty. 3.     Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance, which occurs during pregnancy. Occurs in approximately three percent of pregnancies, and usually disappears after pregnancy. Women with GDM are at higher risk for having diabetes in the future. GDM is associated with increased risk of morbidity. Women should be screened for GDM between the 24th and the 28th weeks of gestation. 4.     Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious... ...ur to six hours to reach the bloodstream, but stays in the bloodstream for about thirty-six hours. It peaks about fourteen to twenty-four hours after injection. Diabetes affects the entire body. It slowly deteriorates every one of the body’s organs. You can live a long and prosperous life as a well-controlled diabetic, but a short and miserable life if noncompliant. Works Cited Deakins, Dee A. Oral Hypoglycemics. Nursing 92; The World’s Largest Nursing Journal Nov. 1992: 34-39. Doenges, Marilynn E. Nursing Care Plans; Guidelines for Planning Patient Care. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1989. Drass, Janice. Insulin Injections. Nursing 92; The World’s Largest Nursing Journal Nov. 1992:40-43. Harkreader, Helen. Fundamentals of Nursing; Caring and Clinical Judgment. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000. Husain, Rahat. The Diabetes Information Page. Undated. Lewis, Sharon Mantik. Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. St. Louis: Mosby, 2000. McCance, Kathryn L. Pathophysiology; The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. St. Louis: Mosby, 1994.
Diabetes Mellitus Essay -- Health Diseases Diabetes Essays medical
Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed in the United States. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness. â€Å"In 1996 diabetes contributed to more than 162,000 deaths†(Lewis 1367).      â€Å"Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose intolerance in common†(McCance 674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and results from defective insulin production, secretion, and utilization. There are many forms of diabetes. â€Å"Diabetes increases the risk of heart and blood vessel disease, amputation, infections, kidney damage, eye problems (including blindness), and nerve malfunction†(Husain). I will briefly define the different forms of diabetes and then I will discuss diabetes mellitus in general. 1.     Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or type 1 is when the pancreas will produce little or no insulin, therefore requiring injections of insulin to control diabetes and prevent ketoacidosis. All patients with this type of diabetes need insulin to survive (Deakins 34). Five to ten percent of all diabetic patients have IDDM. Usual presentation is rapid with classical symptoms of polydipsia (increased thirst), polyphagia (increased hunger), polyuria (increased urination), and weight loss. IDDM is most commonly seen in patients under thirty, but can be seen in older adults. 2.     Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or type 2 is caused by a defect in insulin manufacture and release from the beta cell or insulin resistance in the peripheral tissues. Approximately ninety percent of diabetic patients have NIDDM. Genetics play a big role in the etiology of NIDDM and is often associated with obesity. Usually presentation is slow and often insidious with symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, poor wound healing, and recurrent infection. Primarily occurs in adults over thirty. 3.     Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance, which occurs during pregnancy. Occurs in approximately three percent of pregnancies, and usually disappears after pregnancy. Women with GDM are at higher risk for having diabetes in the future. GDM is associated with increased risk of morbidity. Women should be screened for GDM between the 24th and the 28th weeks of gestation. 4.     Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious... ...ur to six hours to reach the bloodstream, but stays in the bloodstream for about thirty-six hours. It peaks about fourteen to twenty-four hours after injection. Diabetes affects the entire body. It slowly deteriorates every one of the body’s organs. You can live a long and prosperous life as a well-controlled diabetic, but a short and miserable life if noncompliant. Works Cited Deakins, Dee A. Oral Hypoglycemics. Nursing 92; The World’s Largest Nursing Journal Nov. 1992: 34-39. Doenges, Marilynn E. Nursing Care Plans; Guidelines for Planning Patient Care. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1989. Drass, Janice. Insulin Injections. Nursing 92; The World’s Largest Nursing Journal Nov. 1992:40-43. Harkreader, Helen. Fundamentals of Nursing; Caring and Clinical Judgment. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000. Husain, Rahat. The Diabetes Information Page. Undated. Lewis, Sharon Mantik. Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. St. Louis: Mosby, 2000. McCance, Kathryn L. Pathophysiology; The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. St. Louis: Mosby, 1994.
Diabetes Mellitus Essay -- Health Diseases Diabetes Essays medical
Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed in the United States. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness. â€Å"In 1996 diabetes contributed to more than 162,000 deaths†(Lewis 1367).      â€Å"Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose intolerance in common†(McCance 674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and results from defective insulin production, secretion, and utilization. There are many forms of diabetes. â€Å"Diabetes increases the risk of heart and blood vessel disease, amputation, infections, kidney damage, eye problems (including blindness), and nerve malfunction†(Husain). I will briefly define the different forms of diabetes and then I will discuss diabetes mellitus in general. 1.     Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or type 1 is when the pancreas will produce little or no insulin, therefore requiring injections of insulin to control diabetes and prevent ketoacidosis. All patients with this type of diabetes need insulin to survive (Deakins 34). Five to ten percent of all diabetic patients have IDDM. Usual presentation is rapid with classical symptoms of polydipsia (increased thirst), polyphagia (increased hunger), polyuria (increased urination), and weight loss. IDDM is most commonly seen in patients under thirty, but can be seen in older adults. 2.     Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or type 2 is caused by a defect in insulin manufacture and release from the beta cell or insulin resistance in the peripheral tissues. Approximately ninety percent of diabetic patients have NIDDM. Genetics play a big role in the etiology of NIDDM and is often associated with obesity. Usually presentation is slow and often insidious with symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, poor wound healing, and recurrent infection. Primarily occurs in adults over thirty. 3.     Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance, which occurs during pregnancy. Occurs in approximately three percent of pregnancies, and usually disappears after pregnancy. Women with GDM are at higher risk for having diabetes in the future. GDM is associated with increased risk of morbidity. Women should be screened for GDM between the 24th and the 28th weeks of gestation. 4.     Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious... ...ur to six hours to reach the bloodstream, but stays in the bloodstream for about thirty-six hours. It peaks about fourteen to twenty-four hours after injection. Diabetes affects the entire body. It slowly deteriorates every one of the body’s organs. You can live a long and prosperous life as a well-controlled diabetic, but a short and miserable life if noncompliant. Works Cited Deakins, Dee A. Oral Hypoglycemics. Nursing 92; The World’s Largest Nursing Journal Nov. 1992: 34-39. Doenges, Marilynn E. Nursing Care Plans; Guidelines for Planning Patient Care. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1989. Drass, Janice. Insulin Injections. Nursing 92; The World’s Largest Nursing Journal Nov. 1992:40-43. Harkreader, Helen. Fundamentals of Nursing; Caring and Clinical Judgment. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000. Husain, Rahat. The Diabetes Information Page. Undated. Lewis, Sharon Mantik. Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems. St. Louis: Mosby, 2000. McCance, Kathryn L. Pathophysiology; The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. St. Louis: Mosby, 1994.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The Applied Management Project Education Essay
This faculty should be completed at the terminal of the taught portion of your programme. It is assumed that you have successfully completed the first two semesters of survey and hence have a thorough appreciation of the taught elements of the programme. You will be expected to pull on the acquisition that you have achieved in the taught faculties. The Applied Management Project is the concluding assessed piece of work of the Masterss ‘ programme. It is designed to imitate a realistic direction state of affairs, giving you the chance to show your ability to utilize the cognition and accomplishments acquired through the taught component of the class. The intent is to convey together the taught elements of the programme, re-enforcing their relationships enabling you to travel from the apprehension of a distinct cognition base to synthesizing and researching new countries in more item. It simulates the working environment where persons are invariably required to unite cognition in different ways and increase their understanding in different countries. The AMP gives you the chance to show your cognition and apprehension of concern. The purposes of this faculty are to enable you to take the cognition apprehension and accomplishments you have been developing in single faculties and utilize them in a complex, multifunctional state of affairs. explicate a job place information demands retrieve information synthesise information bring forth originative solutions bring forth a well argued and supported study in response to the job identified work efficaciously in a group work efficaciously in a clip constrained state of affairs reflect on the acquisition achieved through the procedure It is the vehicle through which you as a Masterss pupils can demo that you are able to work at Masters degree every bit defined in the University ‘s degree M form: Students ‘should be working within complex, unpredictable and usually specialised Fieldss demanding advanced work which involves researching the current bounds of cognition ‘ .2. How it worksYou must organize groups of 8 to get down the work. You may take your ain groups to work with, but the duty is yours. Each group should incorporate pupils from the same award programme although pupils of â€Å" Business and Management †may take to work with any other group, or may organize a group within their ain programme. You will be given a concern scenario, together with a little figure of chosen articles to read. This battalion of information will consist a job, issue or country of probe. The undertaking of your squad is to make up one's mind on the issues, formulate the job and place information demands to cover with the issues identified. We call this â€Å" Enquiry Based Learning †as you will be set uping yourselves exactly what to look into. Your group will so put out to roll up the information that you have identified as necessary. You should portion the information between the group members, as it is intended that the research procedure will be extended. Following aggregation of the informations by the group, you will compose a 12,000 words ( A ± 5 % ) study. This MAIN REPORT is INDIVIDUAL. Students are expected to utilize the information gathered by the group to supply an single analysis of the job and appropriate actions to cover with it. It may be that you provide a solution to the job or that you merely analyze the dimensions of the job. Alongside the completion of the chief study, you must bring forth an single brooding study of 3000 words ( A ± 5 % ) . This brooding analysis will look at the procedure of the undertaking. You should be self analytical every bit good as critical of your group.3. Module TimetableFor Health and Safety grounds the category will be divided into four cohorts by class.Cohort ACohort BCohort CCohort DInternational BusinessBusiness & A ; Management ( general )SellingFinanceLogisticssE-BusinessInformation SystemsSports & A ; LeisureEntrepreneurshipMonday [ 15th of June ]TimeRoomActivityCoachCohort9.30 – 10.45 A004, Park Square Introduction to the Module Vincent Ong and Peter Patrick ALL cohorts 10.45 – 11.00 Interruption 11.00 – 13.00 A004 What is contemplation and why is it relevant? Rob Carman ALL cohorts 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch ( You are on your ain! Please return quickly! ) 14.00 – 15.00 A004 Sourcing relevant information and citing it. Alan Bullimore & A ; Peter Godwin, Academic Liaison Librarian ALL cohorts 15.00 – 16.30 A004 Formation of groups and allotment of subjects Vincent Ong and Peter Patrick ALL cohortsTuesday [ 16th of June ]TimeRoomActivityCoachCohort9.30 – 12.30 Business Pod 1 ( J103 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort AInternational Business Business Pod 3 ( J303 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort BBusiness & A ; Management ( general ) Selling 13.30 – 16.30 Business Pod 1 ( J103 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort CFinance Business Pod 3 ( J303 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort DLogisticss E-Business Information Systems Sports & A ; Leisure EntrepreneurshipWednesday [ 17th of June ]TimeRoomActivityCoachCohort9.30 – 12.30 Business Pod 1 ( J103 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort AInternational Business Business Pod 3 ( J303 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort BBusiness & A ; Management ( general ) Selling 13.30 – 16.30 Business Pod 1 ( J103 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort CFinance Business Pod 3 ( J303 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort DLogisticss E-Business Information Systems Sports & A ; Leisure EntrepreneurshipThursday [ 18th of June ]9.30 – 12.30 Business Pod 1 ( J103 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort AInternational Business Business Pod 3 ( J303 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort BBusiness & A ; Management ( general ) Selling 13.30 – 16.30 Business Pod 1 ( J103 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort CFinance Business Pod 3 ( J303 ) Work on undertaking in groups/ library Sessionss Business School staff/ Business LibrariansCohort DLogisticss E-Business Information Systems Sports & A ; Leisure EntrepreneurshipFriday [ 19th of June ]9.30 – 11.00 A004, Park Square Writing a study Steve Briggs, Learning Support Tutor ALL cohorts 11.00 – 11.30 Interruption 11.30 – 12.30 A004 Plagiarism and TurnitinUK ( Submiting your assignment electronically ) Prof. Brian Mathews ALL cohorts 12.30 – 13.00 A004 Concluding inquiries Vincent Ong and Peter Patrick ALL cohortsNote: After June 19th, you will non run into with your coachs. You should work with your squad in informations aggregation and entirely in composing up.4. Passing in the AssignmentDate for Submission – Monday 14th September 2009Concluding entry of both constituents ( Main Report & A ; Reflective Report ) of the AMP and completion of programme. The assignment must be submitted: To the Modular Office at the Student Centre by 4pm with TWO difficult copies* of your work and an electronic disc ( attached to one of the difficult transcripts ) . To TurnitinUK electronically via the BREO system ** ( Please submit harmonizing to your MSc Programme, see Appendix 5 on how to subject to TurnitinUK )Note:* Please adhere the Main Report and Reflective Report together with a clear rubric page for each subdivision. ** You have ONLY ONE opportunity to subject your concluding Main Report and Reflective Report in TurnitinUK. Please submit individually. Include everything except appendices.5. Report FormatThe AMP simulates the type of undertaking that you will be asked to make when you are employed. The Main Report has a recognised format, which you should utilize. Title Page – Faculty Code, Topic, Your Name, Your Student Number Acknowledgement – Merely set these in if you have received aid from an outside organic structure. There is no demand to thank your coachs. Table of Contents – Use a consistent attack to totaling the subdivisions of your study. Executive Summary – One side of A4 summarizing the cardinal points of your study Purposes and Objectives – This should sketch the manner in which you are undertaking the inquiry set. Literature reappraisal, Analysis and Discussion – This is the chief organic structure of the study in which you demonstrate your ability to happen, measure, analyse and synthesise information to bring forth an original piece of work Decisions – This is the subdivision where you summarise the old subdivision in such a manner as to clearly supply a response to the inquiry posed in the subject you were given. Recommendations – If appropriate recommendations for action should be provided in this subdivision. Mentions – All beginnings from which you have quoted MUST be listed here in alphabetical order harmonizing to the Harvard referencing system. Bibliography ( optional ) – Beginnings which you have read but to which you have non made specific reference in your work should be listed here in alphabetical order harmonizing to the Harvard referencing system. Appendix/appendices – are non a necessary portion of the study. It/they contains back uping stuff you wish to show but which is non indispensable to the apprehension of the chief study. Your study should be printed in Arial 12pt, 1.5 line spacing and edge. Note: The above format does non use to Reflective Report ( refer Page 8 for the recommended headers for Reflective Report ) .6. ReferencingMentions should be made to beginnings of stuff throughout the study. There are assorted conventions that can be used for citing and finally it does non count which is used, every bit long as it is used systematically. Possibly the easiest and neatest convention is the following one, since it does non take up undue infinite in the text and thereby does non deflect from the flow of statements. Efficaciously, this convention gives adequate information in the text to let full designation of the beginning from the mention. An writer can be referred to in a figure of ways. In the instance where the writer is referred as stating something in an unquoted manner: Maslow ( 1970 ) argues that†¦ . On the other manus, when citing verbatim ( direct citation ) and necessitating to impute the beginning: â€Å" †¦ is no longer a beginning of motive. †( Maslow, 1970, p 43 ) Since the quotation mark is direct, it requires a precise page mention. The mentions list at the dorsum should detail all books, articles, etc, that have been referred to in the text, foremost by writer ( alphabetically ) and following by day of the month of publication. If the beginning is a book, these inside informations will be followed by the full rubric ( underscored ) , the topographic point of publication, and the publishing house, e.g. Maslow A H ( 1970 ) Motivation and Personality New York, Harper and Row Another illustration might be: Lloyd P Jones A and Brown S ( 1984 ) Introduction to Psychology: An Integrated Approach London Fontana In this case there are a figure of writers, and in the text with three or more writers you should utilize the manner Lloyd et Al. ( 1984 ) . The â€Å" et Al †is a shortening of et alia, a Latin term significance and others. Mentioning to journal documents in the text is the same process, but they are elaborate instead otherwise. In this instance it is the beginning diary or book that is underscored, the rubric of the paper looking in upside-down commas, e.g. Maslow A H ( 1943 ) â€Å" A Theory of Human Motivation †Psychological Review Vol. 50 No. 2 pp 370-396 If an writer quoted has published two or more points in one twelvemonth, these should be distinguished between as follows: Agee ( 1986a ) and Agee ( 1986b ) Sometimes writers are non identified, but the book is published under the protections of an establishment, e.g. Institute of Personnel Management or The Royal Commission for†¦ †¦ †¦ . These should be listed under the names of the establishments. Proper referencing is a important facet of the thesis and, in some instances, it can do the difference between a base on balls and a fail. You are hence strongly advised to take peculiar attention over this..7. Brooding Analysis Reportâ€Å" The brooding analysis study is designed to consolidate the pupil larning from the thesis experience. It is designed to let pupils to analyze single and group experiences through critical contemplation. Students are advised to take some awareness of current theory and application of brooding pattern. The followers should be taken into history in roll uping this study. First, the analysis is non about demonstrating: How perfect you are How you ‘ve done everything absolutely good That others have let you down Second, the analysis is about what you have learnt from the experience, both personally and as a group. Contemplation under the undermentioned headers might be considered.IntroductionRemembrance of experiencesHow the development procedure worked. Diarised remembrance of cardinal phases and ‘events ‘ in the development of both the literature reappraisal and the integrated selling program. Any peculiar internal crises or elements of enlightenment should be identified. In roll uping this component, pupils are advised to maintain regular and elaborate journals or logs.Personal feelings and larning from the experiencePersonal feelings sing the procedure and one ‘s ain part to the experience. Designation of any specific personal jobs either with content, procedure or other group members. Identification of how issues were resolved and over what clip period. How, if at all, was my public presentation compromised by the actions of others? How might my actions have compromised the public presentation of others? Any other remarks sing personal feelings and acquisition.Group kineticss and larning from the experienceHow did the group respond to the procedure? Identification of any jobs with the group as a whole. How did the group dynamic evolve? How did the group respond to you and your input? What new group penetrations evolved? How would the other members of the group have regarded you? What more might the group, or persons within the group have done in work outing the job ( s ) ? What value was gained from the supervisor audiences?Lessons for future undertakingsIdentify up to 5 cardinal lessons to better your public presentation in future group activities and undertakings.DecisionGeneral decisions from the procedure. You might besides see the followers: Do n't trust on your memory: compile habitue detailed advancement logs Be prepared to discourse issues and feelings with other members of the group Prepare for some uncomfortableness and ‘hostile information ‘ Through foresight and hindsight you can derive insight. †( Hunt, N ( 2005 ) Dissertation Handbook ) More elaborate information is given in Appendix 28. Plagiarism and LumpingWork presented by a pupil in an appraisal is expected to be the pupil ‘s ain, and while citations from published beginnings are normally acceptable, such instances must be clearly identified and the beginning to the full acknowledged.As a guideline, verbatim ( direct ) citations should non transcend 5 % of your 12000 words in the chief study and 3000 words in the brooding study.Plagiarism is Copying balls of unascribed text from elsewhere, including downloading stuff from the cyberspace Incomplete or inaccurate referencing Copying other pupil ‘s work Leting others to hold entree to your work which they may copy Plagiarism is a serious offense that will be punished. The University has set of ordinances to regulate how plagiarism is treated and you should do yourself familiar with these ( They are available on the web site ) . As a lower limit punishment, pupil who commits plagiarism will usually have a fail class, and this means that the undertaking must be taken once more and the pupil has to pay to make so. The offense is besides recorded and may be mentioned is mentions are requested. The ground we penalise plagiarism because it is frequently a signifier of larceny and the purpose in all instances is to lead on. It constitutes unethical behavior. Unitization is the usage of significant sums of other people ‘s work which is right referenced. Students whose work consists of a series of citations from other people ‘s work, which is right referenced, are non guilty of misrepresentation. Nevertheless they are likely to neglect the faculty because they have non demonstrated that they are capable of the Master ‘s degree accomplishments of analysis, rating and synthesis of thoughts. Recognizing the relevancy of other people ‘s thoughts is merely a first twelvemonth undergraduate accomplishment. As you will detect in the session on plagiarism we have entree to package which compares work submitted by pupils with a database which is added to by every piece of work that is checked. As more universities join the strategy the database becomes more comprehensive.. We now have a policy to look into every undertaking so you are asked to manus in a disc with your work. 9. Marker of The Assignment You will have a individual class for the Applied Management Project. The balance of the class between the undertaking and the brooding study will be reflected in the word count allowed for each subdivision. The Main Report carries 80 % of the grade and the Reflective Report 20 % . The tabular array in Appendix 1 shows the standards used to tag your work Your work will be dual marked, which is why we ask you to manus in two transcripts of your study. It will besides be checked for lumping and plagiarism, which is why we ask for a transcript on disc. If you do non supply what we ask, there will be a hold in taging your work which may take to a hold in obtaining your award. You should manus in TWO difficult transcripts of your work and an electronic disc. And you should besides subject your both chief study and brooding study electronically via BREO ‘s TurnitinUK ( under the Assignments nexus ) .10. Coach Support ( merely available during the AMP hebdomad )You will NOT hold a personal coach in the manner of the old fashioned undertaking. A squad of coachs with a scope of capable specialism will back up your work during the AMP ‘s group-work Sessionss. After June 19th, 2009, you will have no more tutorial aid. You will so be entirely with your group to finish the work. The coachs will work as a squad during the group-work Se ssionss and will rede and steer you as you request ( i.e. counsel on literature reappraisal, secondary research, research analysis etc. ) . During the AMP hebdomad, Academic Liaison Librarian will besides be about to supply support in academic sourcing and referencing. 11. Administration Support over the Summer If you have any general question, delight direct your electronic mail to amp @ alternatively of the direct electronic mail of faculty leaders. This electronic mail will make all faculty leaders and one of the faculty leaders will answer you.Appendix 1 – Applied Management Project Marking SchemePurposes and AimsThe AMP is designed to give pupils the chance to show their cognition and apprehension of concern every bit good as the accomplishments indispensable to effectual operation in a concern environment. In peculiar the purposes of this faculty are to enable the pupils to take the cognition, understanding and accomplishments they have been developing in single faculties See below ) and utilize them in a complex, multifunctional state of affairs. explicate a job place information demands retrieve information synthesise information bring forth originative solutions bring forth a well argued and supported study in response to the job identified work efficaciously in a group work efficaciously in a clip constrained state of affairs reflect on the acquisition achieved through the procedure It is the vehicle through which Masterss pupils can demo that they are able to work at Masters degree every bit defined in the University ‘s degree M form: Students ‘should be working within complex, unpredictable and usually specialised Fieldss demanding advanced work which involves researching the current bounds of cognition. ‘ The work to be assessed is in two parts – the first a 12,000 word study and the 2nd a contemplation on the procedure of making the assignment. Two taging strategies are presented one for each assignment.You should supply a separate grade for each constituent.Assessment standards.There are two sets of sets of results which are identified in the M degree forms. The first are cognitive results and the 2nd are generic accomplishments Broadly talking the cognitive results can be evaluated through the study, whereas the brooding essay should give an penetration into the generic accomplishments. It is nevertheless, the instance that the generic accomplishments can besides be measured by the pupil ‘s success or deficiency of it in bring forthing an equal piece of work. Cognitive results Knowledge and Understanding Should be able to autonomously analyze new and/or abstract informations and state of affairss utilizing a broad scope of techniques appropriate to the subject ( s ) and to his/her ain research or advanced scholarship Should be able to show a deepness of cognition and a systematic apprehension of his/her subject ( s ) , across specializer and applied countries, and be critically cognizant of and cover with complexness, spreads and contradictions in the current cognition base with assurance Although the undertaking is based on secondary informations, there are legion beginnings – academic diaries, newspapers, trade imperativeness, authorities studies, and books – which the pupil can utilize every bit good as! The information may and likely will be contradictory. Students may cover with this by disregarding conflicting findings or by prosecuting in a argument to analyze the grounds for the disparity A -The pupil provides a comprehensive reply that shows a clear apprehension of the comprehensiveness of the issues involved. The reply demonstrates the pupil ‘s ability to supply a balanced response taking history of disparity and differences in the secondary informations. The answer clearly supports a position that the pupil has mastery over the capable affair. B -The pupil demonstrates a good apprehension of the issues involved and the relation of these issues to their concern specialism. They are able to pull strings thoughts good to bring forth a sound reply to the inquiry C- The reply demonstrates an ability to utilize thoughts which are easy accessible. No grounds of a pupil ‘s effort to travel beyond the obvious. Discussion accurate but shoal. Correct citing for the most portion D- Heavy trust on really limited set of ideas. Small grounds of any effort to roll up a broader scope of information. Discussion narrow and perchance non good argued or supported. . E – Discussion lacks comprehensiveness. The pupil fails to show a existent apprehension of all the issues involved F -Very little or no grounds of the pupil ‘s ability to appreciate a scope of different thoughts – Alternatively heavy trust on big balls of other ‘s work. Referencing may non be full and accurate but is present and the purpose is NOT to base on balls work away as the pupil ‘s ain Synthesis/creativity Should be able to autonomously synthesize information and thoughts and suggest new hypotheses, create original responses to jobs that expand or redefine bing cognition or develop new attacks to altering state of affairss A – a good constructed piece of work which clearly demonstrates the pupil ‘s ability to synthesize complex statements and to utilize the informations to come up with fresh solutions. It has a logical flow and The work will be good argued and the decisions will follow of course from the grounds presented. No uncertainty will be left in the reader ‘s head as to their cogency. B – a good constructed piece of work. Literature critically evaluated non simply a precis. Good usage of secondary informations beginnings to back up the statements. Literature supports the treatment which has been developed from the information collected. The work will be soundly argued and the decisions will be mostly converting C – A scope of appropriate points made but more as a list so as a incorporate piece of work. ‘Reader presented with bricks instead than constructing ‘ . The work will be moderately argued but the decisions will non be wholly convincing Secondary beginnings will normally provided to back up the points made D – A limited figure of points made with small effort to interrelate them to organize a consistent treatment. Poorly argued with instead flimsy decisions. The reader may good doubt that the decisions are valid.Poor usage of any external informations to back up the points. E – Some grounds of an effort to supply an reply to the inquiry but deficient item to go through. No existent effort to travel on from a few pieces of information. Poorly argued and with decisions that merely do non follow from the grounds presented ‘Chunking ‘ calls into inquiry the pupil ‘s in depth apprehension of the issues presented.. F – A random aggregation of statements based on the pupils ain point of position with no effort to utilize grounds to back up the statements. Alternatively, serious ‘chunking ‘ . Evaluation Should be able to independently measure current research, advanced scholarship and associated methodological analysiss and suitably warrant the work of egos and others A little group of pupils complained that they needed more clip because of the mass of information available so under this heading the ability to recognize worthwhile and less valuable information should be included. A – The reply demonstrates the ability to cover with informations from a broad assortment of beginnings with a clear apprehension of its comparative value. There is clear grounds of the pupil ‘s ability to critically measure thoughts and beginnings. Referencing is full and accurate B- A good scope of literature used from a wide scope of beginnings. The reply demonstrates grasp of its rightness. Full and accurate referencing C- Some grounds of critical rating of secondary informations. Correct citing for the most portion D- Indiscriminate usage of ( likely ) really limited information. Poor citing E – Some effort to utilize secondary informations. No effort at measuring its dependability. Poor citing F -Very little or no usage of published work. Ill referenced if at allGeneric accomplishments resultsAlthough the generic accomplishments will to some extent be obvious in the end product of the concern study they should besides emerge from the brooding essay. Needs analysis Should be able to research the demands of a undertaking and formulate feasible proposals for run intoing these demands A – an first-class reply will show a comprehensive consideration of the issues and configure the response to enable different statements to be presented in a logical order. B – a good reply will construction the job in a logical manner showing a comprehensiveness of apprehension of the issues C- an mean reply will demo consideration of some of the issues in a moderately consistent manner D – a hapless response will take a really narrow position and see a limited scope of issues E- a referral reply will non see the issues posed in the inquiry in a coherent or elaborate manner, F – a neglecting reply will non show an apprehension of the issues posed in the inquiry Performance planning and direction Should be able to be after the undertaking, and run into their ain skill-development demands, and derive the necessary committedness from others Should be able to pull off the undertaking, accommodating their scheme as necessary to accomplish the quality of results required Presentation and Evaluation Should be able to show the results of the undertaking in a mode appropriate to the intended audience ( s ) and measure their overall public presentationThe Reflective ReportBased on the predating theoretical account, the undermentioned guidelines should be used for measuring the pupil ‘s contemplations: Is the work complete? Is the work thorough Is the work genuinely brooding or simply a diarised history of the procedure? Does the work place both personal and group kineticss and development? Is there any grounds of associating the contemplation to theory? Is there grounds of existent acquisition from the thesis experience? Is there any grounds of feedback that might assist coachs better the experience for future pupils? Coachs are advised to take a holistic position of the pupils ‘ contemplations as the work is likely to be presented in a assortment of rather different signifiers. ( Hunt.N, 2005 ) The undermentioned contemplation under the undermentioned headers might be considered by pupils.IntroductionRemembrance of experiencesHow the development procedure worked. Diarised remembrance of cardinal phases and ‘events ‘ in the development of both the literature reappraisal and the integrated selling program. Any peculiar internal crises or elements of enlightenment should be identified.Personal feelings and larning from the experiencePersonal feelings sing the procedure and one ‘s ain part to the experience. Designation of any specific personal jobs either with content, procedure or other group members. Identification of how issues were resolved and over what clip period. How, if at all, was my public presentation compromised by the actions of others? How might my actions have compromised the public presentation of others? Any other remarks sing personal feelings and acquisition.Group kineticss and larning from the experienceHow did the group respond to the pr ocedure? Identification of any jobs with the group as a whole. How did the group dynamic evolve? How did the group respond to you and your input? What new group penetrations evolved? How would the other members of the group have regarded you? What more might the group, or persons within the group have done in work outing the job ( s ) ? What value was gained from the supervisor audiences?Lessons for future undertakingsIdentify up to 5 cardinal lessons to better your public presentation in future group activities and undertakings.DecisionAppendix 2 – Introduction to Reflection Used with the permission of the writer Dr Chris Johns, Faculty of Health and Social Science, University of Luton Edited by Ann Mathews, Luton Business School Aim of the brochure To increase apprehension and use of the brooding procedure Aims By the terminal of this brochure you should be able to: Define brooding pattern. Describe the process/stages of turning contemplation into larning and Identify the accomplishments required to prosecute in brooding pattern. Recognise schemes, which may advance contemplation as a learning tool. Contemplation Can be defined as: a technique for turning experience into acquisition or a manner for persons to go autonomous and job resolution.Other definitions:Kolb ( 1975 ) said contemplation is cardinal to the procedure of turning experience into acquisition. Boyd and Fales ( 1983 ) suggest that: ‘The procedure of contemplation is the nucleus difference, whether a individual repeats the same experience several times between going proficient in one behavior, or learns from experience in such a manner that he or she is cognitively or affectively changed. ‘ Rogers ( 1986 ) said it was utilizing one ‘s ain experience to supply acquisition, he said that self-initiated acquisition concerns the whole individual, both feelings and mind, and in this manner the acquisition becomes permanent and permeant. Reid ( 1993 ) said ‘a procedure of reexamining an experience of pattern in order to depict, analyse and evaluate and so inform acquisition from pattern ‘ ( p 305 ) What is Reflection? The complex and calculated procedure of believing about and construing experience in order to larn from it – a witting procedure. Brooding acquisition is the procedure of internally analyzing and researching an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies intending in footings of ego, and which consequences in a changed conceptual position ( Boyd and Fales 1983 ) . Contemplation Introduced So frequently in our every twenty-four hours lives we acquire caught up with the force per unit areas and demands, we react to state of affairss automatically and happen small clip to reflect on what we are making and why. In day-to-day life or on a demanding class pupils and staff may happen similar jobs. The force per unit area to finish assignments, larning new accomplishments, run intoing the demands of households and friends may look to go forth small clip to chew over one ‘s personal and professional development as one progresses through life or a class. One manner of taking clip to believe throughout experiences and to larn from them is to maintain a diary, or notes, on specific occurrences. Tthis allows contemplation during the authorship or at a ulterior clip. Many people have been introduced into the brooding procedure by this mechanism. Holly and McLoughlin ( 281 ) suggest that maintaining a personal/ professional diary is: ‘both a manner to enter the journey of instruction and growth, and to see the procedures purposefully and sensitively. It is a method for researching our inner universes and histories ; of examining the educational and cultural surroundings within which we teach ; and of asking into the significance of learning. Professional development provides the context within which appraisal and assessment reside and do sense ‘ . Brooding notes tend to be written at times of critical incidents. Holly and McLoughlin ( 1989 ) indicate several benefits of maintaining a diary, or notes, on a critical incident. Provides a lasting record, which we can return to from a assortment of positions. Writing to reflect provides a cyclical procedure ; reflecting as you write and returning at a ulterior day of the month to reflect on what has been written which may supply new thoughts for farther contemplation. Writing necessitates ‘time out ‘ for contemplation. They argue that clip to reflect is non a luxury but a professional necessity. Forms and the subjects of life become evident over clip. We act on our situational perceptual experiences yet our perceptual experiences are dependent on what we see and experience. We tend to work on automatic pilot and therefore we may non be cognizant of the forms and subjects in our lives. Writing over clip makes seeing these subjects and forms possible. Learning from pattern can increase consciousness, self-knowledge and assurance. We need non maintain reiterating our errors and lickings. As we write about our professional pattern and note forms and subjects in the ways that we influence and are influenced by our fortunes we can larn more about ourselves. We can get down to understand why we do what we do and do unconscious behaviors witting so that we may alter it as appropriate. We can go more cognizant of our environment and the contexts in which we teach and can get down to expect and specify events instead than merely responding to them. Writing brings to conscious degree much that was tacit. As we write and play with thoughts and images other thoughts emerge, begin to blend together and we come to consciously cognize what we already knew tacitly. Writing provides a comprehensive and on-going database for professional development. Using words to depict our experiences in pattern additions our scope of linguistic communication available to depict our pattern to others. Through our authorship we may go more comfy and clear about our thoughts and can come in into treatment with others and so enrich our pattern. Used in this manner the diary mimics the research worker ‘s diary as it accumulates a database for the survey of pattern. However single events can be written in a similar manner. Learning from Reflection Contemplation is cardinal to the procedure of turning experience into larning. Boyd and Fales ( 1983 ) suggest that: ‘The procedure of contemplation is the nucleus difference whether a individual repeats the same experience several times between going proficient in one behavior, or learns from experience in such a manner that he or she is cognitively or efficaciously changed ‘ . Since this type of authorship is an basically procedure of larning from experience the ability to reflect on your experiences will be cardinal to larning. The Procedure of Contemplation Recall an experience to mind as shortly after the event as possible and compose a brief description of what happened. The purpose with callback is to acquire in touch with what you experienced, it is of import non to measure or judge the experience, ( Cell,1984 ) . Following, take some clip to compose your ideas and feelings about the experience. This can be rather light hearted and relaxed. Let your ideas to flux spontaneously as you write. When you have explored the experience you can get down to concentrate your ideas more specifically. The following are suggestions, which might turn out utile. What did you make good? How would you back up this belief? In retrospect is at that place anything that you would now wish to alter and if so why? What were you believing about during the experience? How did you act? How did other people behave? What did you anticipate to go on in the state of affairs? Make it turn out as you expected? What emotional or feeling responses did you hold and what caused you to experience this manner, did these impact your behavior? Were you aware of any interpersonal kineticss and how did these influence you? For illustration were you experiencing cross, hurried or happy? Did you do what you said you would make? If non what happened to alter your head? This can supply valuable cognition of state of affairss or be utile in future state of affairss. Did you learn anything new as a consequence of this experience which you could utilize in a similar state of affairs in the hereafter? Are there countries you feel you need to better or develop. If so what EXACTLY are they and how can you travel about this? Did this cognition aid you in developing new schemes in the hereafter? Did this experience aid you to derive greater conceptual apprehension? Did any of the theoretical positions help to broaden your consciousness or help your apprehension of what was go oning in this state of affairs? Is there an country of theory you need to brush up on or look up?Once you have finished authorship, read through what you have writtenThis can be undertaken at a ulterior day of the month if necessary. Are at that place any facets that you have taken for granted, premises made opinions or inexplicit values being expressed that you were non cognizant of at the clip? You can utilize this reading to analyze these in order possibly to clear up, polish or modify any countries. Over clip you may get down to see familiar forms emerging as you read through what you have written. It is of import to see the brooding procedure as a critical duologue with your experience and with your observations on the experience. This gives you the chance to reflect on the utility of the premises you habitually make. You can see alternate ways of sing state of affairss. It is frequently valuable to discourse these thoughts with equals or those involved in the same experience. When you are composing in your diary or reflecting on an experience avoid utilizing over generalizations such as â€Å" everyone knows †, â€Å" cipher does that †or â€Å" it is ever done that manner †. When you are tempted to utilize these footings try replacing â€Å" I †, for illustration â€Å" I do n't make that †. These entries will enable you to see the opinions that you make about others and forms in the manner that you construe your experiences. These are more likely to be noted when you re-read entries after a period of clip has elapsed. By reflecting on several entries you can get down to place the concepts and standards implicit in your thought forms. Be cognizant of the ideas and feelings, which may be evoked when reading through the diary! Through this procedure you begin to clear up, modify and develop the values, beliefs, standards and concepts which you use to construe your experiences. Clearly non all of these inquiries would be relevant in every state of affairs but is utile to acquire into the wont of inquiring these sorts of inquiries of your personal experience. It can be defined as a staged procedure First Phase Awareness of a hard issue. Clear apprehension that an issue needs to be addressed, as the cognition the person was using in the state of affairs clearly was non effectual. Recognition of an accomplishment. Second Phase A critical analysis of the state of affairs, affecting an analysis of feelings and cognition. Examination of how the person affected the state of affairs, and frailty versa. Third Stage Development of a new position. Outcome of contemplation is hence learning: Clarification of an issue. Development of a new attitude or manner of thought Resolution of a job. Change in behavior. What qualities are needed to go a Brooding Practitioner/Learner? Skills Needed Open mindedness Motivation Committedness to alter Recognition of personal prejudices Receptive to new thoughts Keen to develop personal penetration Time and energy Barriers to the development of brooding pattern Lack of clip Low morale Lack of the theoretical base Unwillingness to develop self consciousness and penetration Lack of accomplishment development A wish to transport on as everNB. If you ever do what you have done earlier, you will ever hold merely what you have already got! !To summarize the standards for Contemplation on Practice it is portion of ego assessment and ego consciousness it is an geographic expedition of feelings as a consequence of experiences it is depicting one ‘s actions and depicting the results of actions its placing what was worthwhile, what one would make otherwise and why it is the analysis of this to explicate why things work good or non – it identifies what acquisition has occurred, and evaluates knowledge degree it identifies what farther acquisition is required, = self growing and personal and professional development The Potential of Reflective Practice allows critical analysis and synthesis Examines the constituents of a state of affairs Identifies and size up bing cognition, and how relevant this is to the state of affairs. Explores the feelings you have or had about the state of affairs. Challenges any premises you may hold had. Allows geographic expedition of alternate cognition and actions Advantages to the Practitioner/Learner Helps you to do opinions Develops competency through critical contemplation on experience Generates new cognition Gives authorization Develops a wider cognition of societal and political alteration Examples of theoretical accounts of Contemplation Schon ( 1983 ) provinces: ‘In the varied topography of professional pattern, there is high difficult land overlooking a swamp. On the high land, manageable jobs lend themselves to solutions through application of research-based theory and technique. In the swampy lowland, mussy confounding jobs defy proficient solution. The sarcasm of the state of affairs is that the jobs of the high land tend to be comparatively unimportant to persons or society at big while in the swamp lie the jobs of greatest human concern. To me, an educated individual, foremost and first, understands that one ‘s ways of cognizing thought and making flow from whom one is. Such a individual knows that an reliable individual is no mere person, an island unto oneself, but is a being in relation to others, and hence is, at nucleus, an ethical being. Furthermore, a genuinely educated individual speaks and Acts of the Apostless from a deep sense of humbleness, witting of the bounds set by human finiteness and morality, admiting the grace by which pedagogue and educated are allowed to brood in the present that embraces past experiences but is unfastened to possibilities yet to be ‘ . A Simple Model of Reflection 1 The Significant Experience The salient events – 1 ‘s behavior thoughts / cognition feelings good / bad 2 The Reflective Procedure 1. Describe the events. Avoid doing opinions 2. Attend to experience – good 1s or negative 1s. Casual fortunes or act uponing factors 3. Re-evaluate the experience How it felt, self, others, clients Connect bing cognition and attitudes with thoughts and feelings from experience 4. See alteration of cognition, attitudes, behavior for future usage Explore and dispute any premises you made 3 Result Evaluation of the brooding procedure 4 Critical analysis A new manner of making something, or an alternate manner of covering with the state of affairs elucidation of an issue development of a skill declaration of a job, greater assurance in one ‘s abilities changed set of precedences 5 Consequences Action Plan/ ends Consequences into pattern Learning demands Changing pattern ( Koch 1989 ) Future Experiences Links theory to pattern Stop and take stock so advancement ( Kemmis 1895 ) Enhanced degree of assurance To Summarize Behaviour 1. Describing the events New Perspective Ideas 2. Addressing 1s feelings Changes in behavior Feelingss 3. Re-evaluating the experience Commitment to action The experience 4. The brooding procedure Results Decision Learning through contemplation topographic points control with the person Helps the person with the challenges of pattern. â€Å" Experience is ne'er limited, and is ne'er complete. It is an huge esthesia, a sort of immense spider ‘s web of the finest satiny togss suspended in the chamber of consciousness, and catching every air borne atom in its tissue. †Henry James 1843
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Fahrenheit 451 And Technology - 1275 Words
Sowmya Vithiyashankar Smith Lit/Writ (7) 28 September 2017 Technology Ruins Social Interactions Albert Einstein said, â€Å"I fear that one day technology will surpass our human interaction, the world will have a generation of idiots.†Einstein highlights the use of how technology can cause people to ignore each other and their surroundings. In Fahrenheit 451, people in this society are affected by technology, causing them to not interact and lead someone to not feel special. We all know that technology also helps people in some ways. In the story Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, he uses the indirect characterization of Mildred’s actions and Montag’s concerns to illustrate their lack of interaction leading to Montag’s loss of†¦show more content†¦As a matter of fact, after montag returned to home after his work at the fire station, he always sees the routine of Mildred watching the parlour. Because of that he was mad at her and he sees the harm from it. He asked her to turn off the parlour she gave him a reply saying, that’s my family. The quote â€Å"Will you turn the parlour off?’ he asked that’s my family†(46). Here the author employs an image of how technology causes their lack of interaction between each other leading to montag’s loss of self worth. Ray Bradbury reveal his belief in technology demolishing the society through the word â€Å" parlor†to illustrate how people in that society are always into technology. At first glance, the character Montag appear to be stressed out because he had a bad day however, on a closer inspection he was really upset because his wife Mildred was so into technology, she always into that every day when he comes to home and when he does, she doesn’t really have the time to care about him. When he shouted at her for turning off the parlour, she immediately gave him a response saying â€Å" they are my family†. This illustrates that people in this society doesnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t really care about who their family is when the technology came into their hands and montag sees how his wife doesn t appreciate him and give him the respect that he needs as a husband. Bradbury reveals his belief in technology through his description of Mildred to reveal how technology canShow MoreRelatedComparison Of Technology In Fahrenheit 4511151 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology is on the rise which has changed people’s lives. Today’s technology a positive improvement which has grown over the past years. Today everyone uses technology, from old to new. Both Ernest Cline and Ray Bradbury present worlds that are run by technology.The technology in ready player one and Fahrenheit 451 is both bad and good. Fahrenheit 451 is all about a fireman called Guy Montag who does the opposite of what fireman do, starting fires instead of putting them out. The society in FahrenheitRead MoreTechnology In Fahrenheit 451 Analysis1008 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology has secretly taken over society but no one will realize until it is too late. Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel written by author, Ray Bradbury in 1953. The novel takes place in a futuristic, utopian society in which technology is exceptionally advanced and it completes almost all everyday actions for people. Fahrenheit 451 tells the story of the main protagonist, Montag who is a fireman in a society where books are illegal and the main job of firemen is to burn all books. MostRead MoreFahrenheit 451 Technology Essay1611 Words  | 7 Pageson Bluetooth to the story-telling power that television strips away from literature, Bradbury looks more than 64 years into the future in Fahrenheit 451 to predict the fatal outcome of the technology-infested intelligence, or the lack thereof. The invention of TV, Radio, headphones, iPods, and much more, along with a rapidly increasing gain of access to technology has created a civilization that is dependent on a battery as they are on the ir own heart. This dependency has sculpted a 1984-sort of societyRead MoreTechnology and Society in Fahrenheit 4511723 Words  | 7 Pages Well, in Bradburys novel, Fahrenheit 451, technology is very advanced and seems to get peoples attention. Youre not important. Youre not anything (Bradbury 163). Fahrenheit 451 is explained as a dystopian literature. Such literature portrays an imaginary world where misguided attempts to create a utopia, or a socially and politically perfect place, results in â€Å"large scale human misery. (Critique by Michael M. Levy) This quote makes you realize that technology is taking over humans and theRead MoreExamples Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451908 Words  | 4 Pages People believe that an abundance of technology and fast, busy lives are beneficial to more efficient and overall better society. In reality, that lifestyle may be a detriment to society. The culture, characters, and themes in Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 create a n interesting dystopian setting that serves as a warning to future readers. First of all, the culture in this novel revolves around technology. Mildred showcases this cultural belief well: â€Å"It’ll be even more fun when we can affordRead MoreFahrenheit 451 Technology Essay1263 Words  | 6 Pagesthe ubiquitous presence of technology, it would be difficult to believe that is wasn t always around. Today, everything is incorporated with technology, from entertainment to communication, from travel to skin care, and newly, from surveillance to control. In his science fiction novel Fahrenheit 451, published just as technology was beginning to make its appearance in people s everyday lives, author Ray Bradbury describes a distant future and the omnipotence of technology in it. Ray Bradbury was anRead MoreTheme Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451786 Words  | 4 PagesIn society today as one knows it, technology plays a major role. The world has become so reliant on technology that life would be unimaginable without it. As the world develops it is beco ming more apparent, that not only do we want technology but we need it. It has taken over our feelings as well, making us feel all sorts of emotions. Technology seems to cover us from the real world, plastering the realness of society. We refer to it when we are sad because we know that it is always there to makeRead MoreFahrenheit 451 Technology Essay1291 Words  | 6 PagesIn Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, the society’s technology driven world leads the people to lose their own sense of curiosity. Without the ability to think, the people living in this society live in a mindless state, as a person with curiosity is able to start asking questions. Furthermore, the people’s minds are only focused on technology, which leads them to isolation from a real conversation that does not include senseless meaning. The people’s isolation withholds them from outside contact, leavingRead MoreFahrenheit 451 : Technology And Happiness1177 Words  | 5 Pages There is no question that science and technology is as essential to functioning in an advanced society as soil is essential for a flower. In numerous communities, technology is so often an asset to be yearned for. 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