Tuesday, May 26, 2020
What is a Movie Review?
What is a Movie Review?A movie review is an unbiased, unbiased judgment on a specific movie. It will focus on both the positives and negatives of a movie and make a point of including both good and bad in a review. It should also show one's curiosity and interest. A movie review should keep to those principles which distinguish them from the ordinary and informal gourmet movie review that you have to submit for publication in your local newspaper.The general format of a movie review is as follows: An author's name will be cited to give the viewer an idea of who is writing the review. A full, accurate and entertaining account of the film will then follow. Each of the following paragraphs should be exactly as it is described: - PREPARATION - PERFORMANCE - MOVIE PORTRAYAL - PROS & CONS - DEFINITIONS - FINAL THOUGHTS - RECOMMENDATIONS. These basic paragraphs are also called the 'pillow talk' as compared to the typical 'head and shoulders' style of movie reviews. They are usually foll owed by a brief discussion of the different portions of the movie and where one can purchase the DVD and/or Blu-Ray release.These brief descriptions can make the movie review far more meaningful and fun for the audience to read. Many viewers would like to know more of the movie they have just seen. If the review states one's intent as to whether one would see it again or recommend it to others, the review becomes far more helpful to the audience. In addition, one's intention to recommend a movie to others can help others with viewing habits and choices.Once you have prepared the movie review, it is essential to use double checked facts or accurate statements. If, for example, the reviewer has seen only three movies during his or her entire life, the reviewer would have to make clear that they had seen that many movies. If the reviewer had watched a 'house of horrors' movie as a child, the reviewer should list it as the only film the reviewer has ever seen as an adult. The writer sho uld also be clear about the 'clean slate' for the movie review.Finally, if the reviewer's interest is aroused by a certain character or storyline, then it would be easy to list it. If one wants to quote most of the movie so as to not give more space than needed to the movie's scenes, the writer should include all scenes. The reviewer should strive to make sure that only the essential facts or points are included. The reviewer should not state that the movie is a 'rip-off of' another movie.Not only should one's tastes be considered in a movie review, but the writers also must be interested in what the viewer has to say. In most cases, it is very easy to find an online community that is interested in the movie in question. The reviewer should also make sure that the audience is pleased with the movie as it is. If an audience would not be satisfied with the movie if they knew it was remade, the writer should do the hard work of interviewing people about their displeasure with the remak e. It is a common complaint that a movie does not live up to its original studio's promise of excellence. In fact, many movie reviewers point out how they would feel if they were paying for a picture that they knew was not up to par.This style of movie review can also be written as a regular feature or even as a self-published blog. However, some studios, as well as established media outlets, prefer a more personal, in-depth and knowledgeable review. This is why it is imperative that the writer use and personal experience when writing a movie review. This will provide the most reliable information to the general public and allow them to form an informed opinion on the movie they have just seen.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Executive Summary Of Business Plan - 988 Words
As I tried to come to honest, obtainable and even conservative projections I found many walls. This lead me down the path of starting to prepare an executive summary of an eventual business plan. Yet even detailed executive summary seems impossible to complete, 3 pages later, without greater knowledge of Evans existing strengths and weaknesses. These brief â€Å"bullet†points will share some insight to my thoughts and I will conclude with baseline projections. - Our biggest strength is the Agent network on the drayage side, specifically the retention rate and family style relationship that has been built. i.e. Agent conference, Harley give away, Evan’s U, Lease to Own, Advance policy, †¦ - Not completely understanding the â€Å"Brokerage Agent††¦show more content†¦- Prospects will fall under these 4 groups o Existing Freight Broker Agents, leaning on a better relationship to close the deal o Freight Brokers within Logistic Cos, compensation and control of your own destiny will allow us to pull the competitive entrepreneurial spirits out of the cubicles. o Brokerage Owners, reducing risk, labor and overhead will open the door, providing any competitive advantages will seal the deal. Almost 90% of the nation’s 11,000 Brokerages are under 20mil o Truck or Freight Sales rep, think CH model, with an effective load sharing board between Brokerage Agents we could see success from Agencies with a specialty on one side of the move. - The first push of recruiting will come from existing relationships and general networking. Adding a marketing campaign to create some â€Å"buzz†and more importantly a good first impressions for Agents researching us after we reached out to them will increase the prospect pipeline. Targeted networking, cold calling, resume boards, and job blitz will step in as the initial wave of prospects slow. - To accelerate growth after (a to be defined level of success) a team of â€Å"jr recruiters†can be added to help reach out to the owners, agents and employees that make up the Freight Broker workforce in America, estimated total of around 80,000Show MoreRelatedAutomotive Dealer Business Plan Executive Summary1406 Words  | 6 PagesThe executive summary for your Automotive Dealer Business should be written last. It should include the main people involvedin your Automotive Dealer Business and their experience related to the Automotive Dealer Business. There should be a brief description of what the Automotive Dealer Business entails. Your Automotive Dealer Business should include some brief financial statements such as loans you will require and profit/loss statements for the first 3 years. Objectives The should be your shortRead MoreBus 599 Project Deliverable 5731 Words  | 3 PagesDeliverable 5: Executive Summary Presentation Due Week 9 and worth 100 points This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a written executive summary, and a slide presentation consisting of twelve (12) slides. Note: You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Now that you have completed a draft for all primary sections of your business plan, you will complete the executive summary. The executive summary is the section of your plan that is often readRead MoreBusiness Critique of Yoga Center828 Words  | 4 Pagesstarting any form of business, a comprehensive layout of a plan needs to be prepared. A business plan is absolutely necessary to evaluate the internal and external factors affecting a business. A business plan should incorporate, in general, all the critical aspects of business that directly or indirectly affect it. 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It is an essential tool in preparing executives, employees, and partners of the company in understanding the strategy to entering the market place with success. Having a solid marketing plan will not only ensure that the company is sticking to the schedule, but that the marketing resources are being disbursed wisely and appropriately (U.S. Small Business Administration). Some of the main objectivesRead MoreProcess Design Matrix and Summary941 Words  | 4 PagesDesign Matrix and Summary Thomas Beadin OPS/571 December 19, 2013 Mary O’Donnel Process Design Matrix and Summary This process design matrix and executive summary will focus on Chapman Tool and Manufacturing and there performance measurement process. This executive summary is needed for Chapman Manufacturing due to their lack of process performance management that will include service approaches, that consist of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. 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A business plan not only lends your business a sense of credibility, but also helps you to cover all your bases, increasing your chances of success. Although writing a business plan can be a lengthy, intimidating project, it is not necessarily difficult. Here is an overview of how to write a successful business plan. What to Include in Your Business Plan Your business
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Basic Info and Attributes of Hermes Greek God
Hermes is familiar as the messenger god in Greek mythology. In a related capacity, he brought the dead to the Underworld in his role of Psychopompos. Zeus made his thieving son Hermes god of commerce. Hermes invented various devices, especially musical ones, and possibly fire. He is known as a helpful god. Another aspect of Hermes is fertility god. It may be in connection with this role that the Greeks sculpted phallic stone markers or herms for Hermes. Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maia (one of the Pleiades). Offspring of Hermes Hermes union with Aphrodite produced Hermaphroditus. It may have yielded Eros, Tyche, and perhaps Priapus. His union with a nymph, perhaps Callisto, produced Pan. He also sired Autolycus and Myrtilus. There are other possible children. Roman Equivalent Romans called Hermes Mercury. Attributes Hermes is sometimes shown as young and sometimes bearded. He wears a hat, winged sandals, and short cloak. Hermes has a tortoise-shell lyre and the staff of a shepherd. In his role as psychopomps, Hermes is the herdsman of the dead. Hermes is referred to as luck-bringing (messenger), giver of grace, and the Slayer of Argus. Powers Hermes is called Psychopompos (Herdsman of the dead or guider of souls), messenger, patron of travelers and athletics, bringer of sleep and dreams, thief, trickster. Hermes is a god of commerce and music. Hermes is the messenger or Herald of the gods and was known for his cunning and as a thief from the day of his birth. Hermes is the father of Pan and Autolycus. Sources Ancient sources for Hades include Aeschylus, Apollodorus, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Diodorus Siculus, Euripides, Hesiod, Homer, Hyginus, Ovid, Parthenius of Nicaea, Pausanias, Pindar, Plato, Plutarch, Statius, Strabo, and Vergil. Hermes Myths Myths about Hermes (Mercury) re-told by Thomas Bulfinch include: ProserpineGolden Fleece - MedeaJuno and Her Rivals, Io and Callisto - Diana and Actaeon - Latona and the RusticsMonstersPerseusPrometheus and PandoraCupid and PsycheHercules -- Hebe and GanymedeMidas - Baucis and Philemon
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Representation of Marriage in The Story of an Hour...
The representation of marriage: The Story of an Hour and Bliss Far from being an ideal state, the representation of marriage in Kate Chopins short story The Story of An Hour and Katherine Mansfields Bliss suggests that it is impossible for women to be fully realized as human beings and as wives. Marriage deprives women of power, of the ability to be fully sexual, and of the ability to achieve a sense of competence in the world. In Chopins short story, the narrator longs for freedom from her oppressive marriage, and is only briefly happy when she things she has been freed by death. Her husbands patriarchal and oppressive controls are masked as concern for his wifes health. Bertha in Mansfields Bliss realizes that she cannot be the sexual creature her husband desires and still function as a wife the marriage she fantasized was so perfect is merely a surface representation of perfection and has no existence in reality. Chopins The Story of an Hour was written during an era when men and women were expected to occupy separate spheres in the marital relationship. Chopins story depicts a young, intelligent woman named Mrs. Mallard who believes her husband has been killed in a train accident. Before the accident, she felt depressed and unfulfilled, given that her activity was extremely restricted by her husband Brentley because of her weak heart. Mr. Mallard forced his wife into a state of total inactivity, a metaphor for how Victorian, middle-class womenShow MoreRelatedThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin Essay1762 Words  | 8 PagesChopin s Artistry in The Story of an Hour To be in the struggle with conventional society s convictions is troublesome for some to do; in any case, writer Kate Chopin battles that fight to bring readers the absolute most interesting writing that a man can get their hands on. 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Introduction The story of how the Buddhist monk Sanzang (ä ¸â€°Ã¨â€" ), accompanied by his disciples Sun Wukong (Ã¥ ™æ‚Ÿç © º), Zhu Bajie (çÅ' ªÃ¥â€¦ «Ã¦Ë†â€™), Sha Wujing (æ ²â„¢Ã¦â€šÅ¸Ã¥â€¡â‚¬) and Yulong Santaizi (玉é ¾â„¢Ã¤ ¸â€°Ã¥ ¤ ªÃ¥ ), traveled to the Western Regions to obtain the sacred scriptures is well-known among Chinese of allRead MoreCeramics: Pottery and Clay17443 Words  | 70 Pagesstyles that reflected both the individual culture and the influence of their neighbors. Typical of these ancient people were the Minoans (2500 to 1100 B.C.) on the island of Crete. They made earthenware vessels decorated in colored slips with representations of animal life in the sea. They fired their work in updraft cylindrical kilns with wood as the fuel. Like their European counterparts at a later time, the Islamic potters tried to duplicate the white Chinese porcelains with a low temperature alternativeRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. 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They demand more information and are capable of processing this effectively âž ¡ Buyers want 24-hour access to develop a dialogue âž ¡ Markets are increasingly global in their nature Weaknesses and failings âž ¡ A lack of focus and the subsequent waste of resources âž ¡ It ignores the demand for individual responses âž ¡ Large and profitable segments
Leaders Are Born Not Made - 2148 Words
LEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE There have been an age long debate, and humans since beginning of time, have tried to come up with an answer to this question – Are Leaders born or are they made?. This question has generated an age long debate, which in turn has resulted in various school of thoughts, some believe that leaders are born, while others think otherwise. My contribution to this lifelong debate will serve as a pointer to my position on this issue. I strongly believe that leaders are born and not made. Who is a Leader? - â€Å"A leader is a person who guides others toward a common goal, showing the way by example, and creating an environment in which other team members feel actively involved in the entire process. A leader is not the boss of†¦show more content†¦I believe creativity is one of the top qualities that born leaders posses, its the ability to tap into the subconscious to bring out great ideas. â€Å"Creative leaders have the ability to re-think their business models and come up with ideas to drastically change their enterprise†. (Stephen 2011) Although Creativity is considered as one of the most prominent qualities that great leaders possess, another key innate ability is Confidence. Confidence is among the traits of great leaders, confidence cannot be taught; confidence for most great leaders is inborn. Francisco Dao in his article wrote– â€Å"Without Confidence there is no leadership; leadership is about having the confidence to make decisions. If someone is afraid to make and commit to decisions, all of the communication and empowerment in the world wont make a squat of difference†. (Dao 2008) Another quality that great leaders are born with is Passion. Leaders always exhibit this quality in any area they find themselves. Being passionate about an idea, a project, a business is just learnt in the confines of the four walls of a classroom, it’s a trait that is inborn. â€Å"Passionate leaders sprea d passion to others through their love of life, doing new things, taking risks, being motivated, having a sense of urgency, and reinventingShow MoreRelatedAre Leaders Made or Are Leaders Born?772 Words  | 4 Pagesold question. Are leaders made or are they born? My belief on this – I believe that a leader is made, not born. Why do I say that? Before going further, lets be clear on one distinction – when we say a leader is made, it does not mean that someone can be taught to become a leader by attending leadership courses. While it helps, it is not enough. Warren Bennis (a leading leadership researcher) believes that one cannot be taught to become a leader but one can learn to become a leader over the years throughRead MoreLeaders Are Made Not Born1700 Words  | 7 Pages Leaders are made not born. If a person has the desire and willpower it can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledgeRead MoreAre Leaders Born Or Made?1372 Words  | 6 Pagesrespondents to answer the question ‘are leaders born or made?’ The results showed that 52.4% believed leaders are made, 19.1% felt leaders are born and 28.5% thought it was equal. The executives had differing opinions but the ‘leaders are made’ view was more popular. It also revealed that those who indicated ‘leaders are made’ believe that experience is more important than traits or training and what people learn over time is important. Those who indicated ‘leaders are born’ believe traits and experienceRead MoreLeaders Are Born Not Made1652 Words  | 7 Pages‘Leaders are born not made’. To what extent you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your answer using leadership theories and relevant examples. Christopher King u3107827 Tutorial: Monday 0930 – Daniel Oyston Word count: â€Æ' Intro ‘The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born – that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are madeRead MoreAre Leaders Made Or Born?992 Words  | 4 PagesAre leaders made or born? The ever-persistent question asked when someone starts talking about leadership. To this I say we were all born, correct? Leaders and the leadership role are not inherited traits passed down through the DNA genome pool of the extraordinary powerful leaders. No, they build upon their naturally skills and abilities, and observe behaviors of great leaders before them. Believing in themselves that their best is yet to come. So the answer is neither, great leaders adapt and learnRead MoreLeaders Are Born Or Made?801 Words  | 4 PagesThe question of whether leaders are born or made, is one that has been asked just as much as which came first, the chicken or the egg. It is a question, which all of us ponder through our own journey in leadership. For most of us, becoming an effective leader is hard and daunting work. Some of us grow up wanting to be leaders, while others sort of just fall into leadership, without really realizing when or how they became leaders. For some, leadership begins at an early age, perhaps during childhoodRead MoreLeaders Are Born Or Made?1062 Words  | 5 PagesThis paper will argue whether leaders are born or made. This will be done by discussing some relevant theories of leaderships such as the trait, situational and behavioural theories. It will also discuss the differences between leadership and management. Furthermore, the Contingency theories which are related to sources of power will be address as well. New development of situational theories will also be reviewed and discuss base on their strengths and weaknesses. Also relevant literatures whichRead MoreLeaders A re Born Not Made1283 Words  | 6 PagesLEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE To begin this essay I would prefer to give a little scenario by asking ourselves, can all managers go on to be a leader? For several years, the concern whether leaders are born or made is an issue of great controversy. From different opinions however, it could be a little bit of both hence proving that any manager can go on to be a great leader as well. Among other definitions, Maxwell (1993, p.11) has defined leadership as an ability to influence others. He also definedRead MoreLeaders , Are They Born or Made?3310 Words  | 14 Pagesdepends ultimately on the qualities of its leaders. But are leaders born successful or can they be trained? Use theories and evidences to support your discussion. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Leadership is the competency and capability to influence and motivate people towards the fulfilment of goals .Thereby, leadership within any organization, is most definitely a critical factor of organizational efficacy. Leaders also embody a vision for future, and a good leader possesses the quality to cope and evolveRead MoreLeaders Are Born Or Made?1036 Words  | 5 PagesThere is a well-known and often asked question on whether leaders are born or made. While the origin of the question is unknown, the answer in response to the question are numerous. The terms leadership and management have become increasingly prevalent in today’s workplace. They are often used in place of each other and in some cases the terms leadership and management are used identically to each other. This has not always been the case. Leadership has a long history that dates as far back
Improving Conflict and Negotiation
Question: Discuss about the Improving Conflict and Negotiation. Answer: Introduction In the modern world, conflict and negotiation are two familiar and well structured ways of communication between communities, groups and individuals. The two terms are generally used when there are disagreements in the goals and ideas, absence of cooperation, fight for scarce resources and the inability in the personality. Negotiation however, is one of the most prevailing types of interaction in solving conflicts. In case of any disagreements, the people concerned with the conflict aim to accomplish the most suitable result for their position or the industry they represent. Therefore, the convention of finding collective profits and keeping a relationship are the essential elements for a positive outcome (Ahammad et al., 2016). Negotiation is a process by which individuals solve problems and a system through which an agreement or compromise is attained while refraining disputes. Every people are involved in various types of negotiations with the clients, colleagues, superiors, family members on daily basis. The use of efficient negotiation and the skills of solving conflicts raises the efficiency in the task, collective gain and development of relationship. On the other hand, absence of such skills leads in leaving opportunities and the money at the table (Bala et al., 2014). The word conflict refers to any form of disputes or frictions rising within two individuals or a community when the idea or belief of one or more individuals differs from each other leading to a distance among the group. Causes of Conflict There are various causes of conflict and they can be segregated as follows: Structural Factors: The structural factors include specialization, relationship among authorities, jurisdictional uncertainty, differences in goal, similar resources, inconsistency of status and interdependence. Personal Factors: The personal factor comprises of know it all attitude, an ego-maniac person, a self-averse, and an combative person. The other reasons comprise of abilities and skills, perceptions, ethics, emotions, barriers in communication, differences in culture, emotions, values, issues regarding authority, absence of cooperation, arguments regarding different styles, inefficient performance etc (Chestnut et al., 2014). The various levels of conflict are discussed below: Intrapersonal: In this there arises a conflict among the values, thoughts, emotions and principles of an individual internally. For example: A person may have internal conflicts whether to lie to his friend for not attending his call or tell the truth that he did not feel like attending the call at that time. Interpersonal: This process refers to the conflicts that arise between two individuals due to differences in opinion (Christopher 2012). For example, person A is of the opinion that change in the management of the organization will lead to a fall in the structure of the business, whereas person B is of the opinion that change in the management will bring in new ideas into the organization and will benefit the company. Intra group: This is a type of conflict that arises between various members within a group due to differences in ideas and opinions. For example, two members in the financial department of an organization are having a conflict regarding the post of the senior accountant as both of them are eligible for a promotion for this post. The members are having an ego problem and try to compete with each other in order to gain the position (Fisher et al., 2013). Intergroup: This level of conflict rises between two individual groups due to different sets of interests and goals. For example, the marketing department and the financial department of an organization are having a conflict due to the fact that both departments are trying to take credit of the increase in profit for the organization. The fianc department argues that due to their efficiency in handling the finance, the profit has been determined and the marketing team argues that it is due to their interactions with the customers that has lead to rise in profit. Conflict Management Tools and Process Conflict analysis is helpful in supporting the adjustment for the future action. The evaluation does not lead to any knowledge about the conflict. However, it creates an objective knowledge of the conflict (Haddadin 2012). The various conflict management tools are as follows: Conflict Wheel Mapping of Conflict Glasls Escalation Model Conflict Tree Mapping of Needs-Fears Multi-Causal Role Model Conflict perspective Analysis (CPA) The process of conflict comprises of different stages that are discussed below: Stage 1: Incompatibility or Potential Opposition having precedent conditions due to communication, personal variable and structure. Stage 2: Personalization and Apprehension: This includes conflict in relation to feelings and sense of perceive. Stage 3: Intentions like conflict-handling conations like avoiding, collaborating, compromising etc. Stage 4: Behaviours like the attitude of the parties and reaction of the others involved in the conflict. Stage 5: Outcomes: It involves the increase of performance of a group and fall in performance of a group. The problem of conflict arises in every aspect of life. It can be seen in the personal life of a human being and even in the professional life. With the creation of the circumstances of conflict, there has been creation of various management tools to mitigate such problems. The different processes are even helpful in underlying the type of conflict, which will help the negotiators to solve the problem with ease. Negotiation The meaning of negotiation refers to the process of settling disputes in a peaceful manner and hence maintaining parity in the concerned environment. Integrative negotiations are different because it concentrates on common factors rather than any difference and discovers the needs and interests. It is committed to meet all the requirements of the parties. It is helpful in exchanging ideas and information and use the ideas to set standards (Hglund Druckman 2013). Overview of the Process of Negotiation It is helpful in creating a free flow of data. It tries to realize the real needs and objectives of the other negotiators. It concentrates on the common factors between the decrease of differences and the parties. It looks for answers that satisfy the goal and aim of both the parties. Steps in Negotiation Process There are various steps involved in analyzing the process of negotiation and they are listed below: Identification of the Problem: It involves the defining the issue in such a way that is accepted by both the parties. It defines the problem with a focus on the practicality and thoroughness along with revealing the issue to recognise the restraints to reach the goal. Identification of the Problem: This step tries to recognise the interests, which means the underlying concerns, demands, desires or fear that encourages a negotiator. The substantive interests are in relation to the vital issues in the negotiation (Jeong 2016). Process interest reveal the steps in which disputes are resolved. Interest of relationship shows how the parties consider their relationship. Generation of Alternate Solutions: This step tries to create options by trying to redefining the set of problems by the use of non-specific remuneration, cutting costs for compliance, logrolling etc. The other solution involves creating alternatives to the problem through surveys, brainstorming etc (Melin et al., 2013). Analysis and Selection of the Substitutes: The analysis and the selection process is based on the following factors: Narrowing the dimension of the solution alternatives Solution evaluation on the basis of quality, acceptability and goal standards. Willingness to justify the personal preferences (Saarni 2015) The use of subgroups to analyze the complex substitutes. It is seen that negotiation plays a vital role in settling disputes and requires the need of all the above discussed process and steps to efficiently end all disputes. An effective negotiation requires the use of all the mentioned actions as all these steps have a significant part in completing the action of negotiation. Every part of negotiation is interlinked with each other and therefore any defect at any part may lead to an improper negotiation method. Therefore it is seen that conflict and negotiation go hand in hand as negotiations are necessary in order to settle disputes and maintain balance within the organization and in a particular society. Conclusion The above study undertaken therefore is helpful in understanding the meaning of conflict and the steps and the process that are involved in analyzing the conflicts. The paper even evaluates the various reasons of conflict and the parties involved within a conflict. It is seen that conflict initiates due to differences in opinion between different groups or individuals and misbalances the parity. The best way to settle a conflict is by going for negotiation. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Oliver Cromwell1 Essay Example For Students
Oliver Cromwell1 Essay Oliver Cromwell is one of the most controversial personalities in Englands history. Many scientists have been arguing about him for centuries. Some of them assert that Cromwell was a hypocritical and selfish tyrant, rebelling only for the sake of money and fame, while others argue that he was a real revolutionary and fighter for wellbeing of the English nation. Who is right? What is a reasonable evaluation of Cromwell today?The English bourgeois revolution of the 17th century was the first revolution on a European scale. It gave a fatal crash for the European feudal system Unquestionably, Cromwell played a very important role in the Englands affairs of that time. As a political and military leader, he had a strong sense of the working of divine providence and incredible strategic thinking. His sincerely held religious views convinced him of the evils of Charles Is regime and the justness of his cause in the Civil War. Political actions of the man were often hesitant at first, then de cisive. A simple country gentleman he rose, in the exceptional circumstances of civil war and revolution, to the highest office in the state. Such success showed him that he had Gods blessing. His Protectorate was marked by an unusual degree of religious toleration. It provided firm and impartial government as well as united the three nations within the British Isles. The union was based on the military conquest, though. Under Cromwell, England acquired a high reputation abroad. Charles I was very tolerant to Roman Catholics, but not for the increasing number of Calvinism followers. His religious beliefs and persecutions of those, who opposed the Anglican Church, caused dissatisfaction of many people. Charles conservative attitudes were also the major contribution towards the revolt of Scots. The king saw his chance and tried to play the army against Parliament, as well as the Scots against the English. Cromwell grasped the evil intentions of Charles. Finally, in disgust, he put an end to the farce by defeating the Scottish army, purging Parliament of ninety-six Presbyterian members, and seizing, trying and executing the faithless Charles. Cromwell was more responsible for the overthrow of the Stuarts than any other man, and as the commander of a large, well-trained army, he had power to establish a dictatorship. The Lord Protectors actions were based upon long doubts and considerations. All the actions he made were inspired by God, after long prayers and sl eepless nights. Cromwell repeatedly claimed that God was controlling events, that his own actions were molded or directed by a very interventionist God, that he sought Gods will on how he should proceed and that divine instruction shaped subsequent events. Although most of his self-determinations were difficult for him, the decision to support Charles Is sending to death was probably the most difficult one for him. Slowly, hesitantly and perhaps unwillingly, Cromwell came round to support both trial and execution, driven forward by the messages which he felt God was sending to him personally and to the army in general during 1648. In late November he was still writing that he and his colleagues were in a waiting posture, desiring to see what the Lord would lead them to. By January 1649 he believed that the Lord required Charles Is trial and execution, a belief fueled by Gods word vouchsafed either direct to him or to the army. Not only Cromwells piety and conscientiousness made him a famous political leader, but also an extremely outstanding ability to be a military man. The new army, basically established by Cromwells talent and energy, was a truly made popular army, inspired by ideals of freedom and justice. It unified various democratic powers. Hence, the largest Cromwells merit was his ability to relate his own interests with this folk movement. He became the revolutionary army commander, l ead it to many victories, neglecting the chiefs, which were often tended to find a compromise with the monarchy. He was prompt and eager when many hung back, recruiting men into his first troops of horse who had, like himself the fear of God and made some conscience of what they did. Cromwell had never been trained in war, but from the very beginning he showed consummate genius as a
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